lemon's benefits - losing weight and fitness

Friday, April 11, 2014

lemon's benefits

Lemon good choice

Lemon, Lemon Water, lose weight
Did you know the Ancient Egyptians believed that eating lemons and drinking lemon juice was an effective protection against a variety of poisons, and that recent research has confirmed this belief?
There are many health benefits of lemons that have been known for centuries. The two biggest are lemons’ strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and their use as a weight loss aid because lemon juice is a digestive aid and liver cleanser. Lemons contain many substances--notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene--that promote immunity and fight infection.
These are some benefits of lemon:

Abolish Acne

Abandon Your Anxiety

Leave the Fever

Cure Corns and Calluses

Erase Eczema

Fight Fatigue

Healing Hypertension

Smite a Bug Bite

6benefits of drinking water with lemon 

 1)Gives your immune system a boost

Vitamin C is like our immune system’s jumper cables, and lemon juice is full of it. The level of vitamin C in your system is one of the first things to plummet when you’re stressed, which is why experts recommended popping extra vitamin C during especially stressful days.

2) Excellent source of potassium.

As already mentioned, lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function.

3) Aids digestion.

Lemon juice not only encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins in your digestive tract, it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating.

4) Cleanses your system.

It helps flush out the toxins in your body by enhancing enzyme function, stimulating your liver.
5) Helps you lose weight.
Lemons contain pectin fiber, which assists in fighting hunger cravings.


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