Tips for staying in great shape over the long term. - losing weight and fitness

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tips for staying in great shape over the long term.

Tips for staying in great shape over the long term., Weight loss, Health, great shape

You always have time for other things in your life and you have to make sure you iron out time just for working out that nothing is allowed to interfere with. This is you time that is so important for living a long and healthy life.
It is important to listen to your body when you are working out but at the same time you need to push yourself to a safe limit. The mind sometimes is weaker than the body.
 Set goals for yourself that are within reach and then keep setting new goals to achieve. Such as every year a 5k or lose so many inches or pounds
Reward system. Once your goals are reached go clothes shopping or go get a massage.
Make sure to take time off from working out 1-2 days a week so you don’t get burnt out and also so your body can recover.
Diet is a big part of staying in shape and getting in shape. Make sure to have 5 small meals a day.
Make sure to have a cheat day once a week. This will keep you on track the rest of the week.
Weight training and cardio are both very important parts of a well-rounded workout plan. 

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