Simple And Fast Weight Loss Tips - losing weight and fitness

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Simple And Fast Weight Loss Tips

 Simple And Fast Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is a pretty simple proposition. Really, it is quite simple. There is no mystery to it. There is no arcane arts or magical steps to it. You just need to keep a simple formula in your mind in order to achieve the weight loss you have always wanted. The simple truth is that you have to work to deserve the body you have always wanted. A great figure doesn't happen overnight nor can it be bought in a pill. Sure, many 

hucksters try to get you to sign on to the latest and greatest weight loss fad, but the truth of the matter is weight loss is easy. Just remember this formula: eat less and move more often. That's it. That's all, Finito. Seriously. There is no hocus pocus. No magical incantations. No complex chemical supplements. Just eat less calories than you burn. Day after day. Keep it up.
 And see the pounds just melt off. The reason things aren't so simple and straightforward is that both parts of this equation take something that most people nowadays want to avoid-work. You have to work to take the pounds off and keep them off. In this age of instant results and convenience, people aren't having it. People aren't interested in eating their meal now and dessert later. They don't care about doing the work now and going on vacation later. In our modern age, people want the good stuff now and they are more than happy to worry about paying for or working for it all later. So if you want to lose weight-if you truly want to lose weight-you need to use the simple equation above. The best and simplest way is to do the following.

Eat two main meals a day

The first part of the weight loss equation involves calorie intake. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. There is no better way to do this than limiting the number of meals you have every day. Just eat two meals. Have a great breakfast and a sensible lunch. Give yourself about six to eight hours to burn off your lunch. That's right-eat lunch no later than 1PM. If you stick to this schedule, your body won't have a late burst of calories and it would have to burn off calories you ate earlier in the day. You end up with a negative calorie balance. When this happens, your body burns your stored form of energy-fat-to get energy. If you do this long enough, you will get leaner and lighter.

Do bookends workouts

Limiting your calories might not be enough if you don't get enough exercise. If you just limit your calories through one meal a day but you just sit on your lounger all day, you might have a tough time losing weight. To boost your body's weight loss mechanisms, push things forward by exercising in the morning and at night right before you go to bed. Start your day with a morning run. Work during the rest of the day. Click on the link below for nighttime tips.
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